Laura’s Line Summer 2024

The theme for this Summer 2024 newsletter is “Flourish and Grow”. I’ve previously written about how we manage The Nature Reserve to ensure that both the land itself and the species that live on it “flourish”. In Laura’s Line this time, I’d like to share how The Nature Reserve “grows”. The Nature Reserve grows bigger through implementation of the Rancho Mission Viejo (RMV) Phased Dedication Program. This program is the cornerstone of our county, state and federal approvals. In a nutshell, the program requires that certain lands be dedicated to The Nature Reserve as certain other lands are developed. Each development planning area that was approved by the various regulatory agencies has a certain amount of open space lands associated with it. At the time that RMV initiates development in these approved planning areas, RMV dedicates a corresponding amount of open space to The Nature Reserve. This process is complete for Planning Area 1 (Sendero) and Planning Area 2 (Esencia) and is ongoing for Planning Area 3 (Rienda). Certain previously dedicated open space lands such as the Richard and Donna O’Neill Conservancy and the Ladera Ranch Open Space also make up The Nature Reserve.  Currently The Nature Reserve is 8,092 acres in size. See the Habitat Reserve map HERE. RMV is planning to dedicate additional open space lands in 2024, “growing” The Nature Reserve even more.