Volunteer Corner: Trail Volunteers Maintain Habitat Reserve

One of our most critical responsibilities is to ensure that the trails are open, and free of obstacles such as fallen branches for visitors attending Nature Reserve programs. For a growing habitat reserve, it is a big job, and we are always looking for volunteers to help.

The Nature Reserve schedules regular trail maintenance events throughout the year. We welcome groups such as Scouts, corporate groups, families and individuals. These events are typically on a Saturday morning, and we can accomplish the same work in a few hours that would otherwise take days for our staff alone. Fortunately, we see very little trash, mostly mylar balloons, which are removed as they pose a fire danger in wildlands areas. Typically, trail clearings consist of trimming back any branches that are hanging into the path and repairing trails by filling holes or leveling dirt. Volunteers also help with habitat restoration, such as removing particularly invasive plants like artichoke thistle and occasionally replanting areas with native plants.

Regardless of what we're doing on a given trail, it's an amazing opportunity to see some areas of The Nature Reserve that the public doesn't ordinarily see. Often times we are out on the trails early enough that many of the birds and other animals are still active. By being a trail volunteer, you help to strengthen your community by working alongside others that share a passion for nature and maintaining our wild open spaces. These maintained spaces not only provide habitat space for our native wildlife, but they also provide accessible space for students and other lucky visitors to see. There's no previous experience necessary, and we provide tools and gloves. Lastly, it's good for your mind, body and spirit. We hope you will join us in the new year as we continue to protect and maintain our trails and open space for participants to enjoy throughout the year.